Avadhana Saraswathi Peetham
Dr. Madugula Nagaphani Sarma, recognizing the need to preserve and pass on the rare art of Avadhanam, established the “Avadhana Saraswathi Peetham” in 1995. This endeavor aimed not only to safeguard and propagate the knowledge of Indian culture, Vedic traditions, and memory power but also to serve as a spiritual destination for Vdevotees from around the world. Situated in Hitech City, Hyderabad, the Peetham encompasses a temple dedicated to Goddess Saraswathi – goddess of learning, one of the few exclusive shrines in Telangana devoted to the deity. Each year, devotees flock to the Peetham during the auspicious occasions of Moola Nakshatra and Sri Panchami, seeking the blessings of the Goddess. Believers hold a deep faith in the presiding deity and seek her divine grace for personal progress and well-being
The Peetham serves as a platform for various rituals and ceremonies conducted by Guruji himself, affectionately known as “Saraswathi Putra.” These include Aksharabhyasam (initiation of education) and BeejaksharaLekhanam (writing of sacred syllables), symbolizing the initiation of spiritual and educational journeys. Additionally, the Peetham houses a “Goshala ” that provides care and shelter to about 100 indigenous cows, further promoting reverence for animals and environmental sustainability. Functioning as a cultural center, the Peetham embodies the values and traditions of Sanatana Dharma, attracting visitors from diverse backgrounds who seek to experience the preservation of spiritual life nurtured by Guruji. It serves as a beacon for the preservation and dissemination of Avadhanam, Poetry, Literature, Indian languages and heritage, and the profound wisdom of the ancients.
To preserve, popularize and pass on the rare art of Avadhanam, poetry, Indic Languages across the globe and to work
towards enriching the world with the salient values of Sanatana Dharma, Vedic philosophy and ancient Indian culture.
- To conduct Avadhanams involving participants from a wide cross-section of society so as to popularize this rare art.
- To train students in harnessing the true potential of human memory through memory development workshops.
- To enrich students by organizing workshops on various aspects such as Padya shikshana, Personality development, Motivation lectures, Classical music classes, etc.
- To offer courses in Vedic learning through Veda Pathashala.
- To take up social welfare activities in areas of health care through medical camps,etc.
- To organize a variety of spiritual and religious programs envisioned for universal well-being.
- To organize programs to propagate Indian cultural values among various sections of society and to instill a sense of pride towards our heritage and culture. Thus, enriching them with an enhanced sense of patriotism and self-reliance

Saraswathi Temple
The Peetham hosts a temple devoted to Goddess Saraswathi, making it one of the rare and distinguished temples in Telangana dedicated to her. Annually, numerous devotees gather at the Peetham during the auspicious occasions of Moola Nakshatram and Sri Panchami, ferventlyseeking the divine blessings of the Goddess. With unwavering faith, devotees believe that her grace brings improvement and prosperity to their lives.

The Peetham is also home to a "Goshala," where about 100 cows are sheltered and protected. The Goshala not only provides care for the cows but also serves as a center for scientific research on cow products like Gomutra and Goksheeram, used for healthcare and organic farming. Devotees, especially young children, visit the Goshala, expressing their devotion and enjoying their time with the cows.

Sabha Pranganam
The Peetham features a unique open-air auditorium capable of accommodating over 2,000 guests. This versatile space serves as the hub for Avadhanams, Pravachanams, spiritual gatherings, student programs, and festive celebrations, hosting a range of events and activities conducted in the Peetham.

Vidya Bhavans
The Vidya Bhavna's feature learning halls, exhaustive libraries, accommodation areas for students, patrons and guest rooms for visiting scholars. It also hosts a special Centre of Excellence for imparting Vedas – VED PATHASALA. The Peetham has conducted multiple batches of training to students in Vedas, many of these students are now working in temples spread across India and abroad.
Main Attractions at the Peetham
The Peetham includes Vidya Bhavans with spacious learning halls, library with over 20000 volumes, student accommodations, and faculty accommodations. It houses a dedicated Centre of Excellence, VEDA PATHASHALA, for Vedic education. Several batches of students have been trained in the Vedas, and they are now employed in temples both in India and overseas.

Prasada Vitharana

Cultural Events

Beejakshara Lekhanam